Thursday, 24 February 2011

Miss Mousey
I have yet to meet a girl without black heads (and if i do i'm pretty sure she'll be an alien), its a problem that never seems to go, even after using all the useless products on the TV!
I highly doubt the dirt gets lifted off magically like in the adverts :-/
So iv got a couple of tips that really work!
Tip 1#
(watch the video for my pink face)
1x cotton wool/ wool pads
1x splash of lemon juice
1x sprinkle of sugar
splash your face with warm water to open your pours
put the juice on the pad and sprinkle the sugar on
rub it on your cleansed face in circular motions, focusing on especially dry bits or your nose
the sugar is a natural exfoliant and gets into your pours and slogs off your top layers of skin
the lemon juice is a naturally antibacterial and kills bacteria that causes spots
splash warm water on your face to wash any residue off, then splash cold water to close your pours up again
because the ingredients are natural with no additives and you can make it as strong or weak as you like you can use it ever day!!

Tip 2#
put a blob of aqueous cream on a cotton pad and use it as a cleanser!
rub it all over your face and focus on problem areas, then pull faces as u look at the pad n see the nasties
wash off with warm water, splash your face with cold water and rub a little more on top to keep your skin moisturized

If u have bad skin, the best thing you can do is keep it moisturized! Your skin will over compensate for any dryness and produce too much oil! if u keep up with a water based moisturizer u'll notice a difference
trust me. i was a bonafide spotty.

hope this'll help!

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